Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The position of tasawwuf in Islam

Tasawwuf, a discipline that is almost forgotten and less comprehended by Muslim nowadays. In fact, some of us try to avoid the topic. Moreover, if tasawwuf related with tariqat, or when the term 'suluk' is mentioned, many will afraid, some even sentenced tasawwuf as astray or bid'ah (newly created and don't have any religous basis, never been practice by Rasululullah saw). However, Muslim community shall not be blamed totally, misguided tariqats or groups, teaching, and negative comments by Muslim scholar themselves (who do not understand or learn tasawwuf from the authentic source/ tasawwuf experts) has tarnished the image of tasawwuf and tariqat.
The position of Tasawwuf is in paralell with aqidah and fiqh. This can be seen clearly based on well known hadith from 'Umar al-Faruq.
Ihsan (perfection) is to worship Allah as you see Him, and if you see Him not, He nevertheless sees you. -Narrated by Muslim
Ihsan is tasawwuf, or we may also say Ihsan is the core of tasawwuf, as well as to ibadah. The aqidah and ibadah are at Ihsan level. In aqidah for instance, we really sense the existense of Allah, and in ibadah like solat and zikr, we really have the khusyuk (full attention) and feel the present of Allah. That's some of Muslims especially past ulama' strive whole heartedly to learn and practice tasawwuf. Undoubtedly ihsan or tasawwuf is the best way to obtain the redha of Allah.
While Ibn Khaldun in his famous al-Muqaddimah said the tasawwuf content is full dedication to Allah the Most High. Tasawwuf is also a general practice among Companions ra and early Muslims. The terminology of tasawwuf never exists in the early era, but so do the tafsir, tauhid, jarh wa ta'dil terms, but the discipline and practice were exist. The terms came to exist just after the time of Rasulullah saw, after been compiled, documented and classified by the blessed ulama.

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