Monday, October 19, 2009

Profile of Shaykh Dr. Jahid Sidek al-Khalidiyy

Shaykh Dr Hj Jahid Hj Sidek was born at February 11, 1940/ Muharam 2, 1395H at Batu Pahat, Johor. He got his early education at National School (finished Standard 6), Special Class at Johor’s Religious School, and Arabic School of Keluang, Johor. He then, was educated at Islamic College of Kelang, Selangor, he sucsessfully obtained Islamic College Highest Certificate there (1958-1963). After that he began his career as a teacher at English Secondary School of Jasin, Malacca (1964-1968). Shaykh continued his quest for knowledge at the well known University of Malaya (UM) (1969-1971). In 1972, he once again chose to be a teacher, this time at Tengku Temenggong Ahmad, a secondary school located in Muar, Johor. After 2 years teaching, he started his academical life as lecturer at University of Malaya (1974). He obtained his M.A from UM in Usul Fiqh (1975). Shaykh was appointed as Associate Professor in 1992, later on he was awarded Phd in Tasawwuf (1993). He has been invited to attend World Sufi Orders (Tariqah) Convention at Libya. He also been awarded an ‘Ilmiyyah Certificate (as recognition for his in depth knowledge) by Shaykh Dr. ‘Ali Jumu’ah, the Grand Mufti of Egypt. Shaykh is also a prolific writer, his writing can be found in various Islamic disciplines. Even after retirement he is still writing untill now. Among his books are: 1. Shaikh dalam Ilmu Tarikat (Shaykh in Tariqah Discipline) 2. Kedudukan Qiyas Dalam Perundangan Islam (The Position of Qiyas in Islamic Law) 3. Berpawang Dan Bersahabat Dengan Jin Daripada Perspektif Islam (The Practice of Shaman and Companinionship with Genie According to Islamic Perspective) 4. Membentuk Jiwa Sufi (Instilling a Sufi’s Soul. A Malay translation of Tanwirul Qulub, Shaykh Muhammad Amin al-Kurdiyy al-Khalidiyy) 5. Strategi Menjawab Sejarah Islam (A Strategy to Answering Islamic History) 6. Tokoh Dan Peristiwa Penting Sejarah Islam (Figures and Significant Events in Islamic History) 7. Dhiaul Iman Fi Thariq ar-Rahman (Malay Translation) Shaykh Dr. Jahid has also written and presented more than 50 academic paper concering tariqah and tasawwuf internationally and locally. Among others: 1. Perkembangan Tarekat Naqsyabandiah Di Malaysia (The Development of Naqsyabandiyyah Order in Malaysia, Libya) 2. Kepentingan Tasawwuf Dalam Peningkatan Ilmu Dan Amal (The Importance of Tasawwuf in Worship and Knowledge Enhancement, Mesir) 3. Penyakit-Penyakit Hati: Punca dan Kaedah Rawatannya Menurut Prinsip Tasawwuf (Heart Illnesses: The Factors and Treatment Methods According to Tasawwuf Principles) 4. Dhikrullah: Antara Sunnah Dan Bid’ah (Dhikrullah: Between Sunnah and Bid’ah) 5. Salah Faham Terhadap Shaikh Dan Murid Dalam Tarekat Tasawwuf (Misconceptions on Shaykh and Murid in Sufi Order) 6. Hubungan Tasawwuf Dengan Sunnah, Kepentingan dan Sumbangan Tokoh-Tokoh Sufi Dalam Pembinaan Tamadun (The Relation of Tasawwuf and Sunnah, The Importance and The Contribution of Sufi Figures in Constructing Civilization) 7. Kedudukan dan Kepentingan Tarekat Dalam Islam (The Position and Significance of Tariqah in Islam) Drived by his passion towards tasawwuf he has initiated into 3 tariqah, Ahmadiyyah, Qadiriyyah and Naqsyabandiyyah Khalidiyyah. He is the Mursyid of Naqsyabandiyyah Khalidiyyah order in Malaysia. His disciples came from various status and professions. His Suluk Centers are Madrasah Babul-Khairat at Johor Baharu, Johor and Madarasah Manaratul-Ilmi at Kauantan, Pahang. Shaykh also has developed an Islamic treatment method known as Islamic Reflexology. His clinic is known as Pusat Rawatan Islam Manarah, PRIM. Shaykh also has established Istana Budi in 2009 to treat and rehabilitate Muslim AIDS patients. In the meantime there are 20 patients placed there. Istana Budi is located at the PRIM clinic. He is actively involved in society activity as a local Muslim leader by developing and dealing with Islamic affairs especially related to mosque, surau (small prayer building) and religious school. He was appointed as the Nazir (Inspectorate) of Nurul Yaqin Mosque, 1988-2006 (at Kg. Melayu Sri Kundang, where he live untill the present time). He was also been appointed as the Chairman of Primary Religious School in 1988. Due to his effort and sincerity in guiding and developing society, he was also been appointed as the Chairman of an NGO namely Persatuan Kebajikan Bina Budi Malaysia, BUDI. BUDI is actively involves in numerous educational and social activities nationwide. This organization was registered in 2006. He was also appointed as a committee of Negeri Sembilan’s Jilsah Turuq Sufiyyah (The Council of Sufi Orders), established to assure all the tariqah is in accordance with Syari’ah and prevent any misled tariqah development. Shaykh is committed in explaining and promoting sound tasawwuf and tariqah throughout the country. He delivers classes and paperwork in order to do so around Malaysia especially in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and Terengganu. Reference: Shaykh Dr. Jahid Sidek .2007. Membentuk Jiwa Sufi. Malay translation of Tanwirul Qulub. Selangor: Al-Falah Publication. N.A. 16 September 2009. Biodata Tuan Guru Dr. Hj Jahid. N.A. 24 September 2009. Profil Yang DiPertua BUDI.

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